Christian Investing Program

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One Time Contribution: $35

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Total Payment: $729

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Good News!

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welcome the world of Jesus Christ, The world of Faith & Love, The World of Miracles

Matthew 25:14-30 The parable of the talents

Please watch this 3 min YouTube video

“Making the right decision is the beginning of happiness”

It only takes $35 to get started. We use PayPal for reasons of security and mutual trust. PayPal gives you six-month money -back, and we give you a 12-month money-back guarantee. Therefore, you will never lose your money. PayPal is present in the USA, Europe, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe and many other countries. Please first check which bank in your country is a partner of PayPal.

Please, share the good news with friends and family

May God bless you and your family.


investment without the risk of failure